Extension and Ag Research News



NDSU Feedout Project Looking for Calves

The 2008-09 Eastern North Dakota Cattle Feedout helps producers understand the value of their herd's genetics in a feedlot situation.

Haying and Grazing OK’d on CRP Land

The critical feed use modification to a CRP contract will limit the scope, frequency and duration of haying and grazing.

Wildfires Affect Forage Production

NDSU’s rangeland specialist offers advice on grazing or haying range or pastureland following a wildfire.

Drought May Lead to Importation Issues

Sending cattle to graze in another state could lead to importation issues when producers bring their livestock back to North Dakota.

Protect Livestock From Anthrax

The NDSU Extension veterinarian is urging producers to get their livestock vaccinated against anthrax.

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