Extension and Ag Research News


All Livestock

Meeting Set on Livestock Indemnity Program

Producers will have a chance Aug. 25 to learn about the Livestock Indemnity Program, which will reimburse them for weather-related livestock losses.

U.S. Pork Supply Safe

People cannot contract the swine flu by eating pork, experts say.

Bad Weather Brings Scours

NDSU’s Extension veterinarian offers advice to help cattle producers reduce the risk of scours and other problems.

NDSU Offers Help to Cope With Flooding

NDSU’s flood information Web page has information to help people prepare for flooding and cope with the aftermath of a flood.

NDSU Feedout Project Looking for Calves

The 2008-09 Eastern North Dakota Cattle Feedout helps producers understand the value of their herd's genetics in a feedlot situation.

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