Extension and Ag Research News



Prairie Fare: Be Aware of Food Safety in Restaurants and at Home

The Center for Science in the Public Interest recently studied “solved” foodborne illness outbreaks in the U.S. The center reported 28,000 people were sickened in 1,610 restaurant-related outbreaks during a 10-year period, compared with 13,000 people sickened in 893 outbreaks at home.

Prairie Fare: Savor the Taste of Umami

If you combine foods containing the umami compounds, the resulting flavor is more intense than the food’s flavor by itself.

Prairie Fare: Squash Soup Warms an Autumn Evening

When you mix nutrient-rich, orange-fleshed squash with chicken broth, sautéed onions and spices, you have a hardy, delicious autumn soup that fills your home with a delicious aroma.

Prairie Fare: Pack Up for a Picnic

Picnic menus can consist of almost anything from gourmet box lunches picked up at a restaurant to peanut butter sandwiches to burgers prepared on a portable grill.

Prairie Fare: Clean As You Go in Your Kitchen

Bacteria, including salmonella and E. coli, easily can spread from meat to other surfaces such as cutting boards, your hands, utensils and plates. Cross-contamination is a leading cause of foodborne illness.

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