Extension and Ag Research News


News Releases

NDSU Extension Offers Reasons to Graze or Not Graze this Fall

Late August and September rains have left drought stressed pasture and rangeland in some areas of North Dakota looking green and lush. Now is the time to evaluate your grazing system to determine how to increase flexibility and resilience of your grazing resources and ranch.

Governor Burgum Proclaims Oct. 3-9 National 4-H Week

Governor Burgum has proclaimed Oct. 3-9 National 4-H Week in North Dakota. The theme of this year’s National 4-H Week is “Find Your Spark,” which highlights how 4-H offers opportunities for youth to find their passion and explore learning about that passion through hands-on learning experiences.

NDSU Extension Master Gardener Program Seeks Applicants

NDSU Extension is now accepting applications for the 2022 Extension Master Gardener program. Convenient, online training will be held weekly from Jan. 28 to April 8, 2022 for gardeners ages 18 and older.

NDSU-developed Tree Issued Trademark

The North Dakota State University (NDSU) plant introduction KoolKat Katsura Tree was issued a trademark, an important designation that adds value to the NDSU Woody Plant Improvement Program and promotes North Dakota State University plant research in the nursery trade.

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