Carrington Research Extension Center


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Steve Zwinger, Research Specialist

Steve Zwinger is a CREC research specialist.

Steve Zwinger is a Research Specialist in the agronomy program at the North Dakota State University Carrington Research Extension Center where he has worked in field crops research for over 28 years. Research Areas that Steve has been involved in include variety/cultivar evaluation, alternative crops, annual forages, cover crops, and general agronomy production with field crops. Research is conducted under dryland and irrigated environments as well as off-station sites in South Central North Dakota.

Current research interests include crop production and variety evaluation in organic environments, annual forage production for both haying and grazing, cover crop, and alternative crop research. Organic potato research has been conducted by Steve for the past 5 years comparing dryland and irrigated production at the Research Center, and more recently working with farmer cooperators testing dryland potatoes in certified organic fields. Steve has also been working with emmer over the years.

Contact Information:
NDSU Carrington Research Extension Center
663 Hwy. 281 NE
PO Box 219
Carrington, ND  58421
fax 701-652-2055


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