Yard & Garden Report


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This new kale is magical

Gardeners like the vigor, rich color and mild flavor of 'Black Magic' kale.

Tuscan or dinosaur kaleKale is super nutritious and loves cool weather. It is so cold hardy that it is still growing in most gardens across the state. The only problem with kale is the intensity of its flavor (too intense for some people).

A new variety, ‘Black Magic’, is impressing gardeners with its mild flavor and deep, rich color. This hybrid grows vigorously, leading to early harvests and high yields. Currently we have 15 reports from gardeners across the state. All (100%) recommend ‘Black Magic’ and 75% prefer it over ‘Lacinato’, the standard variety. Tuscan kale, also called dinosaur kale (see photo), is considered the finest tasting of all kale, and ‘Black Magic’ appears to be the best of the best.

Written by Tom Kalb, Extension Horticulturist, North Dakota State University. Published in the NDSU Yard & Garden Report, October 15, 2014. The photo was made available under a Creative Commons license specified by the photographer: United States Department of Agriculture.

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