Now is the time to prepare for the coming grasshopper invasion.
Dakota Gardener
This is the time of year when trees are working like crazy, making the most of the time in our limited growing season.
To improve your lawn's health, resist mowing your grass too short.
Peonies are an easy-to-grow plant, with beautiful, colorful blossoms.
Instead of buying sleeping lady beetles from California, it makes more sense to provide an environment that is inviting to our local lady beetles.
If you have a bare spot in your garden or if you want to add a special accent to your container planting, consider moss rose.
No Mow May is a British pollinator movement that was embraced by the town of Appleton, Wisconsin
Okra is usually thought of as a southern vegetable but with a little knowledge we can grow it in our northern gardens.
Since 2008, NDSU Extension has worked with hundreds of families to identify the best varieties for our state.
NDSU Extension horticulturist gives recommendations for issues facing lawns this spring.
Growing an apple tree from apple seeds is a challenging, but worthwhile, endeavor.
There has been amazing progress in the development of sweet corn varieties over our lifetimes.
The science of tree rings, forest ecology research, and the search for the world's tallest tree are just a few of the topics discussed in the books read by NDSU Extension Forester, Joe Zeleznik.
If you are looking for something active to do while waiting for spring to arrive, consider giving your houseplants a little TLC or pruning your trees.
Carnivorous plants, like the Venus fly trap, are unique because they can trap and kill insects.
Be sure to select an apricot variety that can survive cold winters, yet bloom late in the spring.
Now that emerald ash borer has been found close to North Dakota, people with ash trees need to make some decisions about controlling this invasive insect.
In addition to physical benefits, green spaces also can result in improved mental health.
Peat moss is used as a soil amendment because of its water holding capacity, and at the same time, it promotes water drainage.
Extension horticulturist shares the best pea varieties for North Dakota.
Technical terminology does help with communication, especially when describing tree species and for professionals working with tree measurements.
Gardening is a great way to get in more physical activity along with growing nutritious foods to incorporate into your daily diet.
Indoor and outdoor plants are good for our mental and physical health.
Golden cherry tomatoes prove to be an extremely delicious variety.
For many trees damaged by winter storms, waiting to assess the damage is the best option.
Since its inception, the Extension Master Gardener program has grown to more than 86,000 volunteers in 49 states.
Reflect on your 2022 garden and plan the new gardening year.
Holly has been a favorite decoration in winter celebrations for centuries.
Drought-related tree stress dominated in 2022.
Parents of the modern Christmas cactus originated in the coastal mountains of Brazil.
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