Extension and Ag Research News



Prairie Fare: Have You Applauded a Cow Lately?

Cows produce about 90 glasses of milk per day, or enough to quench the thirst of 30 children with three glasses of milk daily. During a cow’s lifetime, that’s 200,000 glasses of milk.

Preparing for Healthy Calves is Vital

["A pre-calving program, later calving seasons and feeding pregnant cows properly help make calving go smoothly.", ""]

Buying Bulls by the Numbers

The workshops will focus on how beef producers can use estimated progeny differences and DNA in bull selection.

Buying Bulls by the Numbers

The workshop will focus on how beef producers can use estimated progeny differences and DNA in bull selection.

Spotlight on Economics: Preparing for 2015

It is just as important at this time to consider the volatility in agriculture as it is to focus on recent declines in crop commodity prices. Do you know what you will do with your earnings if crop commodity prices rebound?

Fall Tillers Not Free Forage

As a result of the current favorable conditions, this year’s fall tillers have grown to an unprecedented 9 to 12 inches tall and have produced considerable herbage.

N.D. Land Values Cool

Land values showed about an 8 percent increase from the previous survey, compared with a 42 percent increase during 2012.

Document Livestock Losses

Farm bill may provide producers with compensation for some livestock losses.

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