Extension and Ag Research News


All Crops

Producers Should Consider Wheat Loan Rates

The significant premium for durum over hard red spring wheat favors the planting of durum in those areas where the two classes of wheat can be expected to yield alike.

Soybean Variety Shortages Possible

Regardless if the variety is Roundup Ready or conventional, it is important to use high-quality seed with good germination.

Risk of Wheat Midge Damage Higher in 2010

With a low to moderate forecast for wheat midge infestation statewide, field scouting will be critical to indicating where economic population densities occur during the growing season.

Organic Crop Budgets for 2010 Available from NDSU

The organic crop budgets included in the publication are for spring wheat, durum, feed barley, corn, oil sunflowers, soybeans, oats, flax, field peas, millet, buckwheat, lentils, rye and green manure.

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