Extension and Ag Research News


NDSU, SDSU Extension to Host Purposeful Retirement Book Club

This program can help people bring happiness and meaning to their retirement.

Some people want to get better prepared mentally for retirement.

Others want to plan their retirement instead of defaulting to falling into this new phase of their life. They want to plan this phase in the same way they chose their college and professional life.

Many want to plan their retirement based on their values and definition of what makes them happy, not on others’ expectations.

They all can get help through the Purposeful Retirement Book Club that North Dakota State University and South Dakota State University Extension are hosting.

On Sept. 9, NDSU Extension gerontology specialist Jane Strommen and SDSU Extension gerontology field specialist Leacey Brown will kick off a six-session online book club centered around the book “Purposeful Retirement: How to Bring Happiness and Meaning to Your Retirement” by Hyrum W. Smith. Attendees will meet via Zoom at 11 a.m. Central time biweekly through Nov. 10. Each participant will receive a free copy of the book and will be invited to group discussions and to think about retirement in new and exciting ways.

The group discussion will encourage attendees to explore their personal attitudes and beliefs about retirement, increase their knowledge about how purpose enhances health and wellness, and identify strategies to integrate purpose into retirement planning, as well as explore goals and priorities for retirement.

To register for this book club, visit https://extension.sdstate.edu/events. Space is limited and registration will close Aug. 25 unless already filled. Participating in this event is free of charge.

For more information, contact Strommen at 701-231-5948 or jane.strommen@ndsu.edu

NDSU Agriculture Communication - July 30, 3031

Source: Jane Strommen, 701-231-5948, jane.strommen@ndsu.edu

Editor: Ellen Crawford, 701-231-5391, ellen.crawford@ndsu.edu

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