North Dakota Forest Service


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ND TIP ToolTrees are a valuable part of a community’s infrastructure and provide benefits throughout their entire lifetime. The North Dakota Tree Inventory/Planning Tool (ND TIP Tool) provides cities the opportunity to identify and manage their trees to support healthy and diverse community forests.

The ND TIP Tool is a citizen-science led project that communities across North Dakota use to track boulevard trees, those in parks, and other public areas. A tree inventory collects data on tree species, condition, size, and the ecosystem benefits those trees provide, and allows decision makers to make educated decisions on how to best manage their community tree populations.

Your tree inventory can serve as a maintenance tool, which allows you to identify trees that need to be pruned, staked, fertilized, cabled, or removed, and enable you to best manage time and labor resources. Users can mark declining trees for removal and propose planting sites for new trees.


To use the TIP Tool, we recommend checking out our TIP Tool Resources:

Beginner's TIP Tool User Guide
2024 ND TIP Tool Summary

You can also watch our "how-to" webinar through the link here, using the password: TIPTool221!


For questions or to request an in-person training session, please contact our Community Forestry staff.


Click here to use the ND TIP Tool



The ND TIP Tool is a project of the North Dakota Forest Service (NDFS) made possible through a grant from the USDA Forest Service. These institutions are equal opportunity providers.

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