North Dakota Forest Service


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Staff Directory by Location

NDSU-North Dakota Forest ServiceBottineau Headquarters
State He
adquarters - Molberg Center

307 - 1st Street East
Bottineau ND  58318-1100
Telephone: (701) 328-9944

Tom Claeys - State Forester
Tel:  (701) 328-9945 • E-mail:  

Loretta Forsberg - Administration Team Leader
Tel:  (701) 228-5486 • E-mail:

Cody Clemenson - Forest Stewardship Specialist
Tel: (701) 228-5490 •  E-mail:

Tammy Krebs - Accounting Manager (Remote)
Tel:  701-425-1333 • E-mail: 


Bottineau Field Office

1037 Forestry Drive
Bottineau ND  58318-1511
Telephone: (701) 228-3700 - Fax: (701) 228-5111

Mitchell Thompson - State Forests Manager
Tel: (701) 228-3700  •  E-mail: 

Ben Potts - State Forests Specialist
Tel: (701) 228-3700  •  E-mail: 

Adam Mawby - State Forests Technician
Tel: (701) 228-3700  •  E-mail:


Bismarck Field Office

916 East Interstate Avenue Suite #4
Bismarck ND  58503-1227
Telephone:  (701) 328-9944

Tom Claeys - State Forester
Tel:  (701) 328-9945 • E-mail:

Mary Fisk - Office Manager
Tel: (701) 328-9944 • E-mail:

Ryan Melin - Fire Management Officer
Tel: (701) 328-9985 • E-mail:

Aaron Bucholz - Cooperative Fire Program Lead Technician
Tel: (701) 328-9946 • E-mail:   

Hunter Noor - Wildland Fire Operations Technician
Tel: (701) 328-9539 •

Ryan Akkanen - Wildland Fuels Management Technician
Tel:  • E-mail:

Sean White Mountain - Wildland Fire Training Technician
Tel: (701) 328-9916 • E-mail:


Lisbon Field Office

PO Box 604
6824 Highway 32 South
Lisbon, ND 58054
Telephone:  (701) 683-4323

Matt Olson - Forest Stewardship Manager
Tel: (701) 683-4323 • E-mail:

Noah Schaeffer - Forest Stewardship Specialist
Tel: (701) 683-4323 • E-mail: 


Towner State Nursery

878 Nursery Road
Towner ND 58788-9500
Telephone:  (701) 537-5636

Jeff Smette - Nursery Manager

Rhonda Schell - Sales and Office Manager

Edwin Jacobson - Systems/Irrigation Specialist

Dominic Anderson - Nursery Specialist

Shea Brandt - Field Production Technician


Walhalla Field Office

101 Fifth Street 
Walhalla ND  58282-4623
Telephone:  (701) 549-2441

Vacant - Forest Stewardship Specialist


North Dakota State University 
Fargo Campus

School of Natural Resources
NDSU - Dept. 7680
PO Box 6050
Fargo ND  58108-6050

Michael Kangas - Nursery and State Forest Team Leader
Tel:  (701) 231-5936 • Fax:  (701) 231-6186  E-mail:

Lezlee Johnson - Forestry and Fire Management Team Leader
Tel: (701) 871-7887 • Fax:  (701) 231-7851 E-mail:

Vacant - Forest Health Manager
Tel: (701) 809-4386 • E-mail:

Grace Ivesdal - Community Forestry Specialist
Tel: (701) 231-4234 • Email:

Craig Lingen - Community Forestry Manager
Tel: 701-652-5055  • Email:

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