North Central Research Extension Center


2021 Performance Testing Form





Palmer Amaranth Resources

Palmer Amaranth ID, Biology, & Management

Foundation Seed Prices

Foundation Seed Prices

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Foundation Seed

The NCREC seed increase program is a crucial part in the strategic planning and production of foundation seed in the state. The program produces seed on approximately 1,400 acres of owned, leased and contract growers’ land and is committed to improve upon its mission to provide producers with diverse crops and varieties which are well adapted to the region.

Established certified seed growers that request seed prior to December 1 will be guaranteed an allocation. Any seed inventories available after December 1 will be sold on a first come, first serve basis.

The different crops and varieties that will be available for the 2021 cropping season:        

BARLEY: ND Genesis
DURUM: Divide, Joppa, ND Grano, ND Riveland
FLAX: ND Hammond, Omega, York
HRSW: Barlow, Bolles, Duclair, Elgin-ND, MN Torgy, ND Frohberg, ND Vitpro
OAT: Hayden, Jury, Souris
SOYBEAN: Ashtabula, ND17009GT

Click here for Foundation Seed Prices

Other Related Links

North Dakota Crop Improvement & Seed Association
North Dakota Foundation Seedstocks
North Dakota State Seed Department
USDA, Plant Materials Center
North Dakota Agriculture Weather Network (NDAWN)
EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS from NDSU Agriculture and University Extension


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