

129 items matching your search terms. Sort by relevance · date (newest first) · alphabetically
Publication Eat Smart: Enjoy Breakfast Every Day!
Eating breakfast fuels the body with needed nutrients, provides energy for an active day, gets you ready to learn and helps you keep a healthy body.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Eat Smart: Get your Iron!
Your body needs iron to move oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. Iron is an important part of hemoglobin, which is the part of your red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the rest of the body.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication C header Eating for Your Eye Health
We cannot change our genetic inheritance, but we can exercise and eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication C header Eating As We Age: Pulse Foods Are Fiber-rich
Pulses are the dry edible seeds of legumes. They include lentils, peas and chickpeas. They are an excellent source of fiber, protein and a variety of vitamins and minerals.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Equipping Your Kitchen
You don’t need to have a gourmet kitchen to be a good cook, but having some kitchen equipment essentials can make cooking a breeze. From Cooking 101 (Week 1) Quick and Easy Menus, Recipes and Tips for Singles and Couples
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Explore the World of Snacks!
Explore the World of Snacks!Snacks provide nutrients that a breakfast, lunch or dinner may not include. Well-chosen snacks can refuel the body between those main meals. Enjoy a couple of daily snacks in smart-sized portions. From Cooking 101 (Week 8) Quick and Easy Menus, Recipes and Tips for Singles and Couples
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication chemical/x-pdb Exploring North Dakota Foodways: Scandinavian Cuisine (Past and Present)
Scandinavian immigrants brought many food traditions to North Dakota. You might be familiar with foods such as lutefisk, lefse, Swedish meatballs, rømmegrøt, pickled herring, pickled beets, rye bread and a variety of baked goods.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Octet Stream Exploring North Dakota's Foodways: Germans from Russia
These recipes are part of the rich heritage of the Germans from Russia culture. The recipes have been modified to create healthier options for salads, rolls, soups, main dishes and desserts.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Facility/Equipment Safety
This poster gives the guidelines for facility/equipment used in emergency mass feeding shelters.
Located in Disasters
Publication ECMAScript program Field to Fork Apples!
Apples are members of the rose family, and more than 7,500 varieties are grown throughout the world. Apples can be eaten fresh, frozen, canned or dried.
Located in Food & Nutrition
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