

71 items matching your search terms. Sort by relevance · date (newest first) · alphabetically
Publication Octet Stream Pulse Crop Production Field Guide for North Dakota
The Pulse Crop Production Field Guide provides producers with data on field pea, chickpea and lentil production information throughout North Dakota. It addresses issues including variety fertilizing, disease, insect and weed control, harvesting and storing of pulses.
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Publication Octet Stream Rust Diseases of Wheat in North Dakota
Provides general and management information on leaf, stem and stripe rust of wheat in North Dakota.
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Publication Safflower Production
This publication provides background information on how to grow safflower in ND, from land selection, fertilizer management, variety selection, seeding, weed management to harvesting and marketing the crop. Safflower is an annual oilseed crop adapted primarily to the central grain areas of the western Great Plains.
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Publication ECMAScript program Soybean Disease Diagnostic Series
This series aids in disease identification.
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Publication Soybean Gall Midge and White-mold Gall Midge in Soybean
This publication describes two species of gall midges that infest soybeans. Soybean gall midge is an invasive and economic insect pest of soybeans that occurs in five Midwestern states (Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska and South Dakota). It does not occur in North Dakota yet. The white-mold gall midge is native to North America and is not economic insect pest of soybeans. Larvae of the white-mold gall midge can be found feeding on Sclerotinia white mold disease in stems and pods. This publication describes how to scout and identify the two species based on their location on plants, field symptoms and plant injury symptoms. It also tells pest managers what to do if you find any suspect soybean gall midge in your soybean fields in North Dakota.
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Publication Octet Stream Soybean Response to Planting Rates and Row Spacings in North Dakota
This publication summarizes the evaluation of data generated by NDSU soybean field trials conducted during 2008 through 2019 in North Dakota that included planting rates and row spacing.
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Publication Soybean Soil Fertility
All of NDSU soil fertility recommendations now have no yield-based formulas. The soybean fertility recommendations were modified to be in line with these new guidelines.
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Publication chemical/x-pdb Stages of Sunflower Development
This publication provides an overview of the main growth stages of sunflower with pictures for clarification.
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Publication Sunflower Production Guide
The sunflower production guide provides agricultural producers, consultants and others in the ag-industry with production information. There are sections about agronomy, insect, weed and disease management, harvesting, storage and marketing.
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Publication Octet Stream Swathing and Harvesting Canola
The timing of swathing canola is important for quality and yield. This publication provides information about the proper stage to swath canola and the effect of swathing time on yield, green seed and percent oil. A description is provided about how to set the swather and combine to optimize the yield and quality of canola.
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