Extension and Ag Research News



NDSU Extension Master Gardeners honored

Several Master Gardener volunteers were honored during the recent North Dakota State University Extension Master Gardener program awards ceremony.

Dakota Gardener: Do not buy ladybugs

Instead of buying sleeping lady beetles from California, it makes more sense to provide an environment that is inviting to our local lady beetles.

Dakota Gardener: Giving okra a go

Okra is usually thought of as a southern vegetable but with a little knowledge we can grow it in our northern gardens.

Dakota Gardener: Knocking at the door

Now that emerald ash borer has been found close to North Dakota, people with ash trees need to make some decisions about controlling this invasive insect.

Dakota Gardener: For peat moss sake

Peat moss is used as a soil amendment because of its water holding capacity, and at the same time, it promotes water drainage.

Dakota Gardener: Give gardening a try

Gardening is a great way to get in more physical activity along with growing nutritious foods to incorporate into your daily diet.

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