Extension and Ag Research News



NDSU analyzer helps with prevented-planting decisions

The analyzer program uses partial budgeting to compare the economics of prevented planting with either late planting the crop for which a prevented-planting payment could be received or planting some other crop.

Ag producers income tax management program set for Nov. 30

The program will provide an excellent opportunity for agricultural producers and tax preparers to learn and ask questions about tax management alternatives while there is still time to implement year-end tax management decisions.

NDSU Agronomy Seed Farm Annual Field Tour Set

Soybean varieties, an update on current small-grain disease issues and current disease issues in broadleaf crops are among the topics that will be discussed.

Advanced Crop Advisers Workshop Set for Feb. 9-10

This workshop is designed to provide in-depth discussion on selected topics to help agricultural professionals enhance their crop production recommendations for farmers.

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