Extension and Ag Research News



Multiple Job-holding Remains High in N.D.

The reasons for holding multiple jobs are varied and include part-time work, low wages, limited benefits, underemployment and seasonal work, such as agricultural employment.

Tax-deductible Charitable Giving Is Up in N.D.

Individual federal income tax returns with contributions as itemized deductions showed contributions averaging $4,316 per return in 2007, a 4 percent increase from $4,148 in 2006.

Grant Program Seeks Innovative Ideas for Farm or Ranch

By providing funds ranging from $6,000 per individual grant to up to $18,000 for grants awarded to groups of three or more, NCR-SARE helps facilitate essential agricultural research and development.

ACRE Enrollment: A Yes, No or Gray Area

In most North Dakota situations, the ACRE program is a good option when its risk management aspects are weighed against its costs.

Think Big With ACRE

The cost of ACRE will probably be a sacrifice in direct payments of around $2 per acre in North Dakota, so producers are wondering whether this cost and the effort to enroll in ACRE are worth it.

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