Extension and Ag Research News



NDSU Studies Economics of Switchgrass as Fuel

Along with studies aimed at growing a better plant, researchers in the North Dakota State University Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics have evaluated switchgrass from an economic point of view.

NDSU Starts Tile Drainage Research Project

Tile drainage can help establish more optimum conditions for field operations and crop growth by lowering the water table in poorly draining soils.

2008 Farm Bill Offers Ag Disaster Assistance

A significant new provision of the 2008 farm bill is the agricultural disaster relief trust fund and supplemental agricultural disaster assistance program.

NDSU’s Gustafson Honored

The North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture presents a teaching award to NDSU’s Cole Gustafson.

Haying and Grazing OK’d on CRP Land

The critical feed use modification to a CRP contract will limit the scope, frequency and duration of haying and grazing.

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