Extension and Ag Research News



NDSU Offers Health Insurance Workbook

Many consumers may be uncomfortable or feel overwhelmed when it comes to making decisions about health insurance coverage.

NDSU Releases Corn Inbreds

Experiments included top hybrid checks recommended by the industry in target environments, including western and northern North Dakota.

NDSU Releases Carpio Durum

["In addition to outstanding quality, Carpio has shown excellent yield potential in NDSU yield trials, as well as very good yield stability across multiple environments.", ""]

Fall Tillers Not Free Forage

As a result of the current favorable conditions, this year’s fall tillers have grown to an unprecedented 9 to 12 inches tall and have produced considerable herbage.

NDSU Releases New Soybean Variety

Characteristics of ND1406HP include 0.6 maturity, purple flower color, gray pubescence, yellow hila with dull seed coat luster and brown pod color.

NDAWN Celebrates 25 Years

The network provides weather data that is used in developing various agricultural models.

Kandel Shares Skills With Ethiopian Farmers

Kandel worked with nine subsistence farm groups, with more than 275 participants, during three-hour training sessions in each village. He also trained 17 development workers during a two-day training session.

NDSU Prevented-planting Website Provides Help Analyzer

The program uses partial budgeting to compare the economics of prevented-planting with growing the same crop, for which a prevented-planting payment could be received, or some other crop.

N.D. Land Values Cool

Land values showed about an 8 percent increase from the previous survey, compared with a 42 percent increase during 2012.

Scout for Wheat Midge Hot Spots

Twenty one percent of the soil samples statewide are moderate to high risk for wheat midge infestation.

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