NDSU Extension's Field to Fork webinars provide information about safely growing, preserving and preparing specialty-crop fruits and vegetables.
Stachler looks to conduct research and improve the agronomic skills of NDSU Extension county agents throughout the state.
The highlight of the school is the line-up of speakers sharing their expertise on weeds, insect and disease research, and management strategies.
During the Getting It Right webinar, NDSU Extension crop specialists will share sunflower research updates and production recommendations.
Select sires that complement a cow herd and contribute to the goals of the operation.
Some breakout sessions will focus on soil health, fertility and pesticides.
The workshop will focus on role of prescribed burning to enhance ecosystem services and livestock performance.
NDSU Extension has released its 2025 short- and long-term agricultural planning price projections for North Dakota.
Farmers for Soil Health is a farmer-driven initiative for farmers aimed at improving soil health through the adoption of cover crops.
Participants will hear from experts on topics related to sows, boars, piglets and genetic and reproductive issues.
The workshop will provide resources and education for sheep producers to optimize lambing management.
The meeting provides wheat growers and agronomists current information on variety performance, fertility management and disease control.
NDSU Extension's Getting It Right webinars provide the latest research updates and recommendations, helping farmers and crop advisers to make informed production decisions for the 2025 growing season.
This year’s agenda will provide updates on new soybean insect pests to monitor, small grain disease management and more.
The award will finance a North Dakota 4-H initiative designed to prepare youth for their futures.
Kelly Parker is the new state 4-H Youth Development specialist.
The goal of the NDSU Soybean Symposium is to bring a mix of specializations together, including new research and end-use partnerships.