Extension and Ag Research News


Lamb and wool producers in North Dakota and Minnesota to host joint annual convention

Activities include a trade show, meals, tours and interactive discussions.

North Dakota Lamb and Wool Producers Association and Minnesota Lamb and Wool Producers will host the 2024 Joint Annual Convention on Dec. 6-7.

North Dakota State University Extension will welcome lamb and wool enthusiasts to Fargo, North Dakota to the social and educational gathering.

The event starts at 1 p.m. with tours of the NDSU Sheep Unit and the NDSU Peltier Complex, with the rest of the convention to take place at the Ramada Inn in Fargo.

Later on Friday evening, there will be a social and an auction, as well as an American Lamb tasting prepared by a Ramada Inn chef.

Saturday events will begin with a panel discussion on precision livestock technologies featuring NDSU experts Rachel Gibbs, Miranda Meehan and Rex Sun. They will share applications for producers regarding virtual fencing, sheep feed intake monitoring and thermal imaging.

On Saturday morning, ND Make It With Wool will feature homemade wool accessories, offer a fiber arts opportunity for wool enthusiasts and will explore innovation for end products.

The awards luncheon will feature recognition of esteemed colleagues and loin chops provided by Superior Farms.

The afternoon session will highlight the American Sheep Industry Association and American Lamb Board and will feature an interactive “ram session” discussion about challenges faced by producers.

Lodging is reserved at the Ramada Inn in Fargo. Please reserve your room by Nov. 27.

For more information, as well as a full agenda of events, visit www.ndsheep.org.

Please send registration and checks to the following address:

7255 94th St NE
Rocklake, ND 58365

NDSU Agriculture Communication – Nov. 21, 2024

Source: Travis Hoffman, 970-222-7569, travis.w.hoffman@ndsu.edu

Editor: Dominic Erickson, 701-231-7881, dominic.erickson@ndsu.edu

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