Extension and Ag Research News


NDSU Extension recognizes individual and team achievements

NDSU Extension teams and individuals are recognized for excellence.

North Dakota State University Extension recognized several individuals and teams for their excellent work in the past year.

This year’s awards and recipients were:

  • Communicator of the Year – Angie Johnson, Extension farm and ranch safety coordinator
  • Epsilon Sigma Phi Mid-Career Service Award – Penny Nester, agriculture and natural resource agent, Bowman County
  • Epsilon Sigma Phi Meritorious Support Staff Award – Torie Piehl, administrative assistant, LaMoure County
  • Program Excellence – Fit and Strong program team

NDSU Agriculture Communication and the North Dakota chapter of the Association for Communication Excellence (ACE) administers the Communicator of the Year award to recognize an individual who has displayed exceptional expertise and professionalism in delivering educational programs and information to the public, utilizing a variety of communication methods.

“Angie Johnson works tirelessly to promote farm safety across North Dakota and beyond,” says Bruce Sundeen, NDSU Agriculture Communication electronic media specialist and representative for ACE. “She does countless interviews with radio, print and TV media to help raise awareness of safety issues for farm and ranch families.”

The North Dakota chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi, a national association for Extension professionals, recognizes those who are dedicated to fostering standards of excellence in the Extension system and developing the Extension profession.

The Epsilon Sigma Phi Mid-Career Service Award pays tribute to an experienced Extension professional who has consistently exhibited leadership and excellence in Extension program planning, delivery evaluation and administration for more than 10 years but fewer than 20.

Nester has served NDSU Extension in several leadership capacities and participated in various leadership professional development opportunities. She currently serves as vice president for the North Dakota Association of Extension 4-H Youth Workers and treasurer for the North Dakota Association of Agricultural Extension Agents. She helped facilitate bovine emergency response trainings throughout the state and has partnered with producers and researchers to provide research and education on soil pH issues in the state of North Dakota. She has cultivated a strong 4-H program during her time in Kidder County that has resulted in increased participation and multiple 4-H’ers who attended national judging competitions.

The Epsilon Sigma Phi State Meritorious Support Service Award pays tribute to staff in support roles who have shown support for the mission, program and professional staff of Extension.

Piehl was recognized for her excellent communication and ability to pivot when met with unexpected challenges. She has stepped up to support Extension on a statewide level, serving on the planning committee for the 2022 state support staff conference and mentoring new support staff in other counties. She established an internal resource tool where support staff across NDSU Extension can ask questions and share insight, advice and resources with each other.

The NDSU Extension Program Excellence awards honor teams for their excellence in Extension programming. This year’s recipient is the Fit and Strong team. The Fit and Strong program is an evidence-based physical activity self-management program for people with lower extremity osteoarthritis. Beginning in 2019, NDSU Extension partnered with South Dakota State University Extension to implement and evaluate Fit and Strong in each state. The initial project reached 455 participants, trained 48 instructors and two master trainers. Participants reported reductions in pain, reduced lower-extremity stiffness, increased energy, reduced fatigue and enhanced self-efficacy for exercise.

NDSU Extension team members are team lead Jane Strommen; master trainers Shaundra Ziemann-Bolinske, Danielle Dinger and Rhonda Gripentrog; and trainers Metta Pfilger, Amanda Dahners and Divya Saxena. The Extension master trainers also certified external partners who deliver the Fit and Strong program in their areas. Non-Extension Fit and Strong trainers are Tija Bohn, Katie Johnke, Caitlyn Roemmich, Larissa Hoaglund, Yolanda Gray, Cheryl Wavrin and Heidi Johnson.

The Program Excellence award is sponsored by NDSU’s Joint Council of Extension Professionals. The council is comprised of executive leaders from the various professional Extension associations in North Dakota.

NDSU Agriculture Communication – Oct. 27, 2023

Source: Lynette Flage, 701-231-7782, lynette.flage@ndsu.edu

Editor: Elizabeth Cronin, 701-231-5391, elizabeth.cronin@ndsu.edu

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