Extension and Ag Research News


Apply for grants to support sustainable agriculture education and practices

Youth educator and farmer/rancher grants are available to promote sustainable agriculture awareness and innovation.

Application deadlines are approaching for two grant opportunities funded by the North Central Region – Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (NCR-SARE) program.

Proposals to NCR-SARE’s Youth Educator Grant program are due Nov. 9. The deadline for applications to the Farmer Rancher Grant program is Dec. 7.

North Dakota State University Extension’s Lindy Berg, Jeff Gale and Karl Hoppe coordinate SARE in North Dakota. They encourage youth educators, farmers and ranchers to apply for these grant opportunities.

“The aim of the Youth Educators Grant program is to provide young people with learning opportunities about sustainable agriculture,” says Berg.

“A youth educator is anyone who teaches youth, whether professionally or as a volunteer,” she adds.

Examples include teachers, 4-H leaders, FFA advisors, farmers, ranchers and homeschoolers.

The Youth Educator Grant program awards successful applicants with up to $6,000 for projects lasting up to 23 months.

The objective of the Farmer Rancher Grant Program is to provide agricultural producers with opportunities to solve problems on their operations through innovative sustainable agriculture practices and then share what they learn with others.

“NCR-SARE recognizes that farmers and ranchers have critical insight when it comes to improving their operations,” says Hoppe. “The Farmer Rancher Grant Program provides agricultural producers the opportunity to explore sustainable ways of increasing profits and improving quality of life.”

The Farmer Rancher Grant program provides up to $15,000 for one farm or $30,000 for two or more farms.

“SARE grants are very popular and competitive,” says Gale. “Reaching out to a SARE coordinator may help refine your idea to be more competitive.”

Visit https://northcentral.sare.org/grants/ for details about the grant programs or to submit a grant application.

For more information, contact:

NDSU Agriculture Communication – Oct. 23, 2023

Source: Jeff Gale, 701-307-0369, jeff.gale@ndsu.edu

Editor: Elizabeth Cronin, 701-231-7881, elizabeth.cronin@ndsu.edu

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