Extension and Ag Research News


New topics added to this year’s Central Dakota Ag Day program

Central Dakota Ag Day will continue providing the latest information related to crop and livestock production.

There is something for everyone at this year’s Central Dakota Ag Day.

The annual event will be on Friday, Dec. 16 at North Dakota State University’s Carrington Research Extension Center.

The Central Dakota Ag Day program always includes an outstanding line-up of speakers to provide updates on crop production, livestock production and marketing. This year, the planners of the event have expanded the program to include some non-traditional topics as well. These topics include:

  • Stop the Bleed trauma response: Trauma nurses from Sanford Medical Center in Fargo will lead this hour-long session, teaching the lifesaving skills of applying direct pressure, packing a wound and using a tourniquet to stop bleeding.
  • NDSU garden seed trials and all-American garden selections: NDSU Extension Horticulturalist Tom Kalb will give an overview of this annual project in which hundreds of North Dakotans evaluate promising vegetable and flower varieties in home gardens each year.
  • Returning to roots: How did our ancestors feed themselves? This session will be presented by Sue Balcom, owner of The Root Seller farm north of Mandan. Also known as “Root Seller Sue,” Balcom is a frequent guest on Prairie Public’s show Main Street Eats.
  • German-Russian Christmas traditions: In this subsequent session, Balcom will share information about holiday traditions gleaned from personal experience as well as interviews with her parents’ generation.
  • Preparing grain samples and sheaves for shows and home display: Community volunteer Joel Lemer will demonstrate how to create interesting, attractive and lasting exhibits of North Dakota’s crop species.

The event begins with coffee at 9 a.m.

Linton-area rancher Doug Bichler will open the program at 9:30 a.m., sharing his story “Life Left-Handed” following a traumatic farm injury.

Central Dakota Ag Day is organized by Extension agents and specialists in Foster, Barnes, Eddy, Griggs, Sheridan and Wells counties, as well as the NDSU Carrington Research Extension Center.

Full details about the event are available at https://www.ndsu.edu/agriculture/ag-hub/events/central-dakota-ag-day.

Additional sponsors of Central Dakota Ag Day include the North Dakota Corn Utilization Council, the North Dakota Soybean Council and crop improvement associations in the organizing counties.

No registration is required. Lunch will be provided.

For more information, contact Jeff Gale, agriculture and natural resources agent in Foster County at 701-652-2581 or jeff.gale@ndsu.edu.

The Carrington Research Extension Center is three and a half miles north of Carrington on U.S. Highway 281.

NDSU Agriculture Communication – Nov. 22, 2022

Source: Linda Schuster, 701-652-2951, linda.schuster@ndsu.edu

Source: Jeff Gale, 701-652-2581, jeff.gale@ndsu.edu

Editor: Elizabeth Cronin, 701-321-5391, elizabeth.cronin@ndsu.edu

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