Extension and Ag Research News


NDSU Extension Offers Stop the Bleed Training at Central Dakota Ag Day

Stop the Bleed training prepares participants with life-saving skills.

Someone who is severely bleeding can bleed to death in as little as five minutes.

The number one cause of preventable death after injury is bleeding. That’s why bleeding control – keeping the blood inside the body – is the purpose of Stop the Bleed training.

The one-hour training will be offered as a concurrent session during Central Dakota Ag Day Dec. 16 at the North Dakota State University Carrington Research Extension Center.

The training is open to anyone interested in learning this life-saving skill.

Stop the Bleed training is a way to turn bystanders into responders and teach everyone the basics of bleeding control.

Participants will learn how to stop bleeding by applying direct pressure, packing a wound and using a tourniquet.

The instructors will check the movements of each participant as they practice bleeding control actions, ensuring that each person is equipped with the correct skills to stop the bleed and save a life.

More than 1 million people including students, teachers and community groups have been trained through this program.

Thanks to the generous sponsorship of six local businesses, there is no charge to attend this Stop the Bleed course.

Each participant will take home a tourniquet kit to be used in an emergency.

The training is pre-approved for 0.5 National CEUs for EMTs and will likely be supplemented by another 0.5 credit at the state level.

Central Dakota Ag Day is an annual winter meeting which aims to provide farmers and ranchers with the latest research-based information from NDSU.

Linton-area farmer/rancher Doug Bichler will be the keynote speaker at this year’s meeting.

Bichler’s presentation, “Life Left-Handed,” will describe his experience following a traumatic farm injury.

Stop the Bleed training begins at 10:15 a.m., immediately following Bichler’s session.

Full details about Central Dakota Ag Day are available at https://www.ndsu.edu/agriculture/ag-hub/events/central-dakota-ag-day.

No registration is required.

For more information, contact NDSU Extension agent Jeff Gale at 701-652-2581 or jeff.gale@ndsu.edu.

The CREC is three and a half miles north of Carrington on U.S. Highway 281.

NDSU Agriculture Communication – Nov. 17, 2022

Source: Linda Schuster, 701-652-2951, linda.schuster@ndsu.edu

Source: Jeff Gale, 701-652-2581, jeff.gale@ndsu.edu

Editor: Elizabeth Cronin, 701-231-5391, elizabeth.cronin@ndsu.edu

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