Extension and Ag Research News


Livestock sessions highlight Central Dakota Ag Day

Presentations will address corn and soybean production, grain marketing and rural living.

A veterinarian’s perspective on cow health, a weed scientist’s recommendation for improving pastures and an economist’s forecast of livestock prices – these are a sampling of topics to be covered during the annual Central Dakota Ag Day on Friday Dec. 16 at the NDSU Carrington Research Extension Center.

The livestock presentations are among 16 concurrent sessions that will be offered during the daylong event.

“In addition to livestock, we’re offering sessions on crop production, grain marketing, horticulture and even food-related traditions of North Dakota,” says NDSU Extension agent Jeff Gale. “There will be something for everybody.”

The program begins at 9 a.m. with coffee and doughnuts.

Rancher Doug Bichler of Linton, North Dakota, will deliver the keynote address titled “Life Left-handed” at 9:30 a.m.

Topics and speakers in the beef production portion of this year’s program are:

  • Cattle market outlook – Tim Petry, Extension livestock economist, NDSU Fargo
  • Emerging issues in cow health (two sessions) – Dr. Jerry Stokka, Extension veterinarian and livestock stewardship specialist, NDSU Fargo
  • Weed control in pastures – Brian Jenks, weed scientist, NDSU North Central Research Extension Center, Minot
  • Natural Resources Conservation Service programs for ranchers – Paul DuBourt, NRCS conservation delivery units supervisor, Carrington
  • Rules for selling locker meat – Travis Hoffman, Extension sheep specialist, NDSU Fargo

“With the expectation that herd sizes will be reduced in the United States, the market outlook will provide information to ranchers that is vital to their planning,” says NDSU Extension livestock specialist Karl Hoppe.

Hoppe also highlights the importance of Dr. Stokka’s presentations to learn about emerging diseases and ways to prevent cattle death.

“No other factor has a larger effect on profitability,” adds Hoppe.

No registration is required. Lunch will be provided.

Central Dakota Ag Day is organized by NDSU Extension agents in Foster, Eddy, Wells, Griggs, Barnes and Sheridan counties, as well as staff from NDSU’s Carrington Research Extension Center.

The Carrington Research Extension Center is three and a half miles north of Carrington on U.S. Highway 281.

For more information about Central Dakota Ag Day, visit www.ndsu.edu/agriculture/ag-hub/events/central-dakota-ag-day

Direct further questions to Gale at 701-652-2581 or by email at jeff.gale@ndsu.edu.

NDSU Agriculture Communication – Nov. 23, 2022

Source: Jeff Gale, 701-652-2581, jeff.gale@ndsu.edu

Editor: Elizabeth Cronin, 701-231-5391, elizabeth.cronin@ndsu.edu

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