Extension and Ag Research News


NDSU honors Agriculture and Extension faculty and staff for their work

These annual awards recognize significant contributions to the mission of NDSU Agriculture and/or Extension.

North Dakota State University faculty and staff received awards for excellence in research, teaching, Extension and support efforts in an awards ceremony on Dec. 8.

Greg Lardy, vice president for Agricultural Affairs; David Buchanan, associate dean for academic programs in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources; Frank Casey, associate director of the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station; and Lynette Flage, associate director of NDSU Extension presented the awards during the 32nd annual Agriculture and Extension Faculty/Staff Awards program.

Fifty-one people were nominated this year.

The 2022 award recipients were:

  • Larson/Yaggie Excellence in Research Award - Torre Hovick, associate professor, School of Natural Resource Sciences
  • Eugene R. Dahl Excellence in Research Award - Kendall Swanson, professor, Department of Animal Sciences
  • Earl and Dorothy Foster Excellence in Teaching Award - Danielle Condry, assistant professor of practice, Department of Microbiological Sciences
  • H. Roald and Janet Lund Excellence in Teaching Award - Tom Gustad, instructor, Department of Microbiological Sciences
  • William J. and Angelyn A. Austin Excellence in Advising Award - Erik Hanson, assistant professor, Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics
  • Excellence in Extension Early Career Award - Meagan Hoffman, associate professor, 4-H youth development specialist, Center for 4-H Youth Development
  • AGSCO Excellence in Extension Award - Frayne Olson, associate professor, Extension crops economist, Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics
  • Charles and Linda Moses Staff Award - Roger Egeberg, software developer, Agriculture Communication
  • Donald and Jo Anderson Staff Award - Myrna Friedt, administrative assistant, Carrington Research Extension Center
  • Rick and Jody Burgum Staff Award - Diane Pennington, account technician, School of Natural Resource Sciences 

NDSU Agriculture Communication – Dec. 9, 2022

Editor: Kelli Anderson, 701-231-6136, kelli.c.anderson@ndsu.edu


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