Extension and Ag Research News


NDSU Extension to offer Dry Bean Getting-It-Right virtual meeting on Dec. 21

Variety performance and weed management are two of the featured topics.

Farmers and crop advisers have an opportunity to receive dry edible bean production information during a virtual Getting-it-Right (GIR) meeting that North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension is conducting from 8:30 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, Dec. 21.

Meeting co-chairs are Greg Endres, Extension cropping systems specialist at NDSU’s Carrington Research Extension Center and Hans Kandel, Extension agronomist. The Northarvest Bean Growers Association is supporting the event.

“We have been conducting face-to-face and virtual GIR dry bean meetings since 2020 and participant evaluations have indicated the information has provided a high level of usefulness,” says Kandel.

“This live Zoom webinar will provide concise presentations to continue to reach dry bean producers and crop advisers with research-based production recommendations for 2023,” says Endres.

The subjects and presenters are:

  • Variety performance - Juan Osorno, NDSU dry bean breeder
  • Agronomic factors and plant development - Kandel
  • Recommendations for selected plant establishment factors - Endres
  • Soil considerations and plant nutrition - Dave Franzen, NDSU Extension soil science specialist
  • Weed management - Joe Ikley, NDSU Extension weed specialist
  • Disease management - Sam Markell, NDSU Extension plant pathologist
  • Market update - Frayne Olson, NDSU Extension crops economist/marketing specialist

Webinar participants will have the opportunity to ask questions following presentations. The presentations will be recorded and archived for future reference.

Preregistration is required to participate in the meeting. Visit ndsu.ag/gettingitright to preregister. Those who preregister will receive emailed instructions to participate in the meeting.

Certified crop adviser continuing education credits will be available for meeting participants.

Additional GIR crop production Zoom meetings scheduled during this winter:

  • Jan. 24 – Corn production
  • March 21 – Sunflower production
  • TBA – Canola production

 NDSU Agriculture Communication – Dec. 2, 2022

Source: Greg Endres, 701-652-2951, gregory.endres@ndsu.edu

Source: Hans Kandel, 701-231-8135, hans.kandel@ndsu.edu

Editor: Kelli Anderson, 701-231-6136, kelli.c.anderson@ndsu.edu

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