Extension and Ag Research News


Workshop on Biologically Effective Management of Grazinglands Set for Jan. 4-6

Participants will learn how to manage grazing livestock to improve forage quality which enables cows to produce milk at levels closer to their genetic potential and calves to improve daily rate of gain.

The North Dakota State University (NDSU) Dickinson Research Extension Center (DREC) will hold a Workshop on Biologically Effective Management of Grazinglands on Jan. 4-6, 2022 at the Dickinson State University (DSU) Agriculture Building in Dickinson from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. MST each day.

“During drought growing seasons, half of the reduction in grass production is caused by the deficiency of available mineral nitrogen that is a result of low quantities of soil microorganisms,” says Lee Manske, NDSU DREC range scientist.

“Participants of this workshop will learn how to manage grazing livestock in order to force the grasses to feed surplus carbohydrates to the soil microbes,” says Manske. “These microbes will then be able to convert the soil organic nitrogen into greater quantities of mineral nitrogen to be available to forage grasses that will have greater nutrient content. This increase in forage quality enables cows to produce milk at levels closer to their genetic potential for the entire growing season, and their calves can gain more weight each day.”

Workshop participants will learn how to develop and properly operate a biologically effective management strategy specifically designed for their individual ranch. Participants are asked to bring the complete set of location descriptions of their land holdings in order to identify them on the electronic ArcGIS maps.

The workshop instructors are Manske and Toby Stroh, DSU assistant professor.

The free workshop material will be provided electronically so participants can download the material onto laptop computers or another electronic device. Participants should also supply their own calculators and notebooks. Lodging, transportation and meals are the responsibility of the participants. Coffee and bottled water will be available.

The workshop is no cost to participants. Please register each person attending from your ranch by calling 701-456-1118 or 701-456-1120 or emailing llewellyn.manske@ndsu.edu. Registration Information should include names, ground mailing address, email and telephone number.

NDSU Agriculture Communication – Nov. 3, 2021

Source: Lee Manske, 701-456-1118, llewellyn.manske@ndsu.edu

Editor: Kristin Harner, 701-231-7875, kristin.harner@ndsu.edu

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