Extension and Ag Research News


Extension Master Gardener Program Accepting Applicants

The application deadline for the next Master Gardener training program is Nov. 18.

If you love gardening and sharing your knowledge with others, consider becoming a Master Gardener volunteer in collaboration with North Dakota State University Extension.

The NDSU Extension Master Gardener program is a volunteer service organization that beautifies communities, educates the public about gardening, works with youth and encourages conservation of natural resources.

The next Master Gardener training program will run for 10 weeks beginning Jan. 24 and ending April 3, 2020. Classes will not be held on March 20.

Those enrolled in the course who live near Fargo can attend the live class every Friday from 9 a.m. to noon on the NDSU campus.

The majority of the participants will take the class online.

“Online students can log in on their computers and participate in the live Friday morning classes,” says Esther McGinnis, NDSU Extension horticulturist and Extension Master Gardener director. “Alternatively, students can watch the recorded lectures at a more convenient time. These online options allow students to continue taking the class even if they are wintering in another state.”

Course topics include annual and perennial flowers, tree selection and maintenance, soil health, composting, pollinator plants, plant diseases and insects, vegetable and fruit production, and lawn maintenance. NDSU faculty and Extension personnel teach the classes.

Once participants complete the training, they are known as Master Gardener interns. They must volunteer 48 hours of time during a two-year period on horticultural projects in cooperation with NDSU Extension. After that, they will be certified as Master Gardeners.

Potential volunteer projects include answering gardening questions in the Extension office, organizing horticultural workshops, managing school and community gardens, designing and maintaining pollinator gardens, and providing horticultural therapy.

Tuition for the 2020 class is $225 plus a background check fee of $35 for those wishing to become a certified Extension Master Gardener or $450 for the nonvolunteer option. High-speed internet access, computer knowledge and an email account are required.

Twenty North Dakota counties will be accepting a limited number of Master Gardener applications. The application deadline is Nov 18. Application forms and a list of counties that are accepting applications are available at http://www.ag.ndsu.edu/mastergardener/.

For more information, contact your county office of NDSU Extension or McGinnis at 701-231-7971 or esther.mcginnis@ndsu.edu.

NDSU Agriculture Communication - Oct. 24, 2019

Source:Esther McGinnis, 701-231-7406, esther.mcginnis@ndsu.edu
Editor:Ellen Crawford, 701-231-5391, ellen.crawford@ndsu.edu
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