Extension and Ag Research News


Several NDSU Extension agents and specialists attend the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents conference. Pictured are, standing, from left: Karla Meikle (agent, Morton County), Rick Schmidt (agent, Oliver County), Crystal Schaunaman (agent, McIntosh County), Brian Zimprich (agent, Ransom County), Ron Wiederholt (central district director), Penny Nester (agent, Kidder County), Dena Kemmet (agent, Mercer County), Caroline Homan (agent, LaMoure County), Meagan Scott (4-H youth development specialist), Brad Cogdill (chair, Center for 4-H Youth Development) and Amelia Doll (agent, Burleigh County); seated: Kimberly Fox (agent, Benson County) and Acacia Stuckle (agent, Emmons County). (NDSU photo)

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