Extension and Ag Research News


Former NDSU Extension Director Honored

A former NDSU Extension Service director donates award funds to Sioux County for 4-H programming.

Sharon Anderson, a former North Dakota State University Extension Service director, has received the National 4-H Council’s Gary L. Davis Leadership Award.

The award honors those who have provided strong leadership in advancing the 4-H movement.

Anderson, who served as NDSU’s Extension director from 1994 through 2003, spent the last eight years as special consultant to the president and CEO of the National 4-H Council. She recently retired from that position.

“My major role was to build and maintain positive relationships between the National 4-H Council and the leadership of the Cooperative Extension System,” Anderson says. “I worked especially closely with Extension directors and administrators, helping them understand the role and work of the council, and I helped council staff understand the workings of the Cooperative Extension Service.”

The Gary L. Davis Leadership Award comes with a monetary gift. Recipients designate a state to receive the money for its 4-H programming. Anderson selected NDSU Extension’s Sioux County 4-H program to receive $3,600.

The North Dakota 4-H Foundation is serving as the fiscal recipient of the gift and will designate the funds for use by the Sioux County 4-H program.

“This is an excellent example of the foundation serving as stewards of financial gifts to be used for local 4-H programs in the state,” says Mylie Lavold, the foundation’s development director.

“I am very humbled and honored that Sharon has given this gift to our programs on Standing Rock,” says Sioux County Extension agent Sue Isbell. “The gift will be used to create sustainable programs for our youth.”

About 500 youth on the Standing Rock Reservation are involved in 4-H in the Sioux County through school enrichment, after-school and archery programs and day camps.

“I chose Sioux County to receive this money because of the positive programs that have been developed and implemented over the years, especially by Sue Isbell, to reach a very targeted audience, mainly Native American youth,” Anderson says. “I am thrilled that 4-H is thriving in Sioux County and so many young people are involved in this positive work.”

NDSU Agriculture Communication - Jan. 20, 2012

Source:Mylie Lavold, (701) 231-8569, mylie.lavold@ndsu.edu
Editor:Ellen Crawford, (701) 231-5391, ellen.crawford@ndsu.edu
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