Extension and Ag Research News


N.D. 4-H Foundation Announces Raffle Winner

A Halliday man wins the 4-H Growing Great Leaders raffle.

Halliday resident Joey Bogers is the winner of a Case IH Scout utility vehicle in the 4-H Growing Great Leaders raffle.

Bogers’ name was drawn Sept.15 at the Big Iron Farm Show in West Fargo.

“Mr. Bogers was not present at the drawing, but Mick Kjar and I called him live, on air, from the KFGO booth and told him the news,” says Mylie Lavold, North Dakota 4-H Foundation development director. “It didn’t really sink in right away. In fact, in a follow-up phone call with Mr. Bogers, he said he wasn’t even sure if it was for real or if it was some kind of prank.”

The raffle, a yearlong, statewide 4-H fundraising effort, raised more than $30,000.

“After we pay for expenses, the funds will be used to support 4-H programs across the state,"" Lavold says. ""More than $10,000 will go directly back to participating counties, with the remaining net profit going to help support more than 20 4-H programs funded by the 4-H Foundation.”

Besides raising money, the raffle helped raise awareness about what 4-H has to offer youth today and about the foundation’s work to support 4-H programs, Lavold says.

“We are deeply grateful to Case IH and the Roughrider dealer group for donating the Scout and being a great partner in this effort,” she adds. “Of course, the biggest thanks goes to each and every person who bought tickets.”

4-H is a community of young people learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. The North Dakota 4-H Foundation is the state 4-H’s private-sector, nonprofit partner on the North Dakota State University campus.

The Center for 4-H Youth Development and NDSU Extension Service implement programs through the 53 Extension Service offices across the state. For more information about North Dakota 4-H activities, go to http://www.ndsu.edu/4h.

NDSU Agriculture Communication - Sept. 21, 2011

Source:Mylie Lavold, (701) 231-8569, mylie.lavold@ndsu.edu
Editor:Ellen Crawford, (701) 231-5391, ellen.crawford@ndsu.edu
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