Extension and Ag Research News


Shoppers Support N.D. 4-H

The Spring Paper Clover Campaign raises $1,815 for North Dakota 4-H programming.

Shoppers raise $1,815 for North Dakota’s 4-H program this spring.

Shoppers were able to buy paper clovers for $1 each during 10 days in April at Tractor Supply Co. (TSC) stores in North Dakota. This effort was part of the Spring Paper Clover Campaign, a national fundraising initiative to benefit state and local 4-H programming in each community with a TSC store.

The Devils Lake TSC store sold the largest number of clovers – 642. Sixty-five percent of the funds raised there will go to Ramsey County’s 4-H program, and the remaining 35 percent will go to state and national 4-H programming.

TSC stores in Bismarck, Grand Forks, Harvey, Jamestown, Minot and Williston also participated in the fundraising effort.

“We want to thank everyone who came out and shopped at TSC and bought clovers to support 4-H,” says Mylie Lavold, development director for the North Dakota 4-H Foundation. “Every clover sold helps us implement and grow 4-H in North Dakota.”

The money will support local camps, after-school programs and other 4-H youth development activities.

“We also are very appreciative of our national and local partnership with TSC, and I am proud to say we will be kicking off our second year of partnership in August,” Lavold adds.

NDSU Agriculture Communication - June 8, 2011

Source:Mylie Lavold, (701) 231-8569, mylie.lavold@ndsu.edu
Editor:Ellen Crawford, (701) 231-5391, ellen.crawford@ndsu.edu
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