NDSU Offers Information on Coping With Flooding
A wet fall and heavy snowfall across most of North Dakota this winter have increased the likelihood of flooding this spring.
The North Dakota State University Extension Service has information online at http://www.ag.ndsu.edu/flood to help you prepare your farm, ranch or home for a flood and deal with the aftermath of flooding.
“This flood information Web page provides up-to-date, research-based information for homeowners, farmers, ranchers and anyone else who wants help in protecting themselves, their families and their property,” says Ken Hellevang, NDSU Extension agricultural engineer and flood expert.
The site has information on general topics such as sandbagging; standby generators; sump pumps; plugging drains; evacuation preparation; coping with stress, including helping kids deal with disasters; finances during disasters; restoring flood-damaged property; food safety; and agricultural preparation and recovery topics such as protecting stored pesticides, grain and feed; protecting livestock during a flood; agricultural building issues; and late planting of crops.
The site also has resources in other languages and links to information from other universities and organizations, such as the Extension Disaster Education Network, eXtension (national university-based site), National Weather Service, American Red Cross and Federal Emergency Management Agency.
You can follow major updates to the website via Twitter at http://twitter.com/floodinfo.
NDSU Agriculture Communication - Feb. 15, 2011
Source: | Ken Hellevang, (701) 231-7243, kenneth.hellevang@ndsu.edu |
Editor: | Ellen Crawford, (701) 231-5391, ellen.crawford@ndsu.edu |