Extension and Ag Research News


NDSU Agricultural Outlook and Farm Bill Conferences Set

Eight Agricultural Outlook conferences will be held throughout the state during February and March.

Given the current economic uncertainty, the North Dakota State University Extension Service has scheduled eight Agricultural Outlook conferences throughout the state. Several members from the NDSU Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics will be presenting.

Frayne Olson, NDSU crops marketing specialist, will provide an outlook of crop markets and how to manage price risk. Tim Petry, NDSU livestock economist, will provide the outlook for the livestock markets.

Dwight Aakre and Andrew Swenson, NDSU farm management specialists, will discuss input costs, including land values and rent, and projected crop profitability for 2009.

Aakre and Swenson also will discuss the features of the farm bill that are most likely to affect producers. Special emphasis will be placed on helping producers evaluate whether the benefits of enrolling in the Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) are greater than commodity program benefits that would be given up if ACRE were chosen.

At selected sites, Ron Haugen, NDSU farm management specialist, will discuss wind energy development and will cover information on contract provisions and liability concerns for participating landowners.

The conferences begin at 10 a.m. and will be held at the following sites:

  • Cavalier - Emergency Operations Center basement, Feb. 9
  • Maddock - Community Center, Feb. 10
  • Cooperstown - Country Club, Feb. 11
  • Mohall - Legion Club, Feb. 23
  • New Town - Four Bears Casino, Arikara Room, Feb. 24
  • Beulah - Civic Center, Feb. 25
  • Hettinger - Research Extension Center, Feb. 26
  • Washburn – Memorial Hall, March 5

Sponsors will provide meals at some sites. Contact your NDSU Extension county agent for more information.

NDSU Agriculture Communication

Source:Andy Swenson, (701) 231-7379, andrew.swenson@ndsu.edu
Editor:Rich Mattern, (701) 231-6136, richard.mattern@ndsu.edu
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