Extension and Ag Research News


Prairie Fare

Prairie Fare: Naturally Blue Foods Have Antioxidant Power

According to a U.S Department of Agriculture study of more than 40 fruits and vegetables, blueberries ranked high in antioxidant activity. A 1/2-cup serving of blueberries had as much ""antioxidant power"" as five servings of other fruits and vegetables.

Prairie Fare: Fish for Good Nutrition

Fish and seafood are excellent sources of protein and they provide a range of nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids that are both heart- and brain-healthy.

Prairie Fare: Be Aware of Food Safety in Restaurants and at Home

The Center for Science in the Public Interest recently studied “solved” foodborne illness outbreaks in the U.S. The center reported 28,000 people were sickened in 1,610 restaurant-related outbreaks during a 10-year period, compared with 13,000 people sickened in 893 outbreaks at home.

Prairie Fare: Savor the Taste of Umami

If you combine foods containing the umami compounds, the resulting flavor is more intense than the food’s flavor by itself.

Prairie Fare: Savor the Flavor of Bacon but in Moderation

Bacon is highly flavorful, so a sprinkle of bacon crumbles adds a lot of flavor to a baked potato or a spinach salad. To moderate your intake of sodium, try the reduced-sodium versions of bacon that are available.

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