Your lawn needs about 1 inch of water per week.
Dakota Gardener
Trees are amazing to observe because they go through the same cycle of growth, senescence and dormancy every year.
Bees are responsible for pollinating the majority of our vegetable, fruit and nut crops grown in the U.S.
Pruning tomatoes doesn’t take that much time and is pretty easy to do.
Zucchini is a versatile vegetable.
The NDSU Extension forester discusses the timing of trees’ bud break in the spring.
An NDSU horticulturist offers advice on raised garden beds.
Consider combining ornamentals and edibles in your landscape plantings.
The first step to growing peas is to select the best pea variety.
Trees may have suffered from winter injury or damage from rabbits, voles and deer.
For best control, apply a crabgrass pre-emergent herbicide before the soil reaches an average temperature of 55 F.
The soil is the most important part of your garden.
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