A tree is worth a lot, depending on where it’s located and what products or services it provides.
Dakota Gardener
Know what plants you have and do a little research to see if they are toxic.
Holiday cacti can live a long time with proper care.
Be prepared to be dazzled by amaryllis blooms.
A fire can be very comforting on a cold, windy night.
Plant bulbs and gardening tools can make good Christmas gifts.
Forcing bulbs during the winter can add some color to your home.
Get closer to nature by putting up bird feeders this winter.
We have some things we can do to make winters a little easier on trees.
Jack-o’-lanterns got their start in Irish folklore.
You can collect kitchen waste during the winter to compost during the summer.
Fall is the season to plant garlic.
The chemistry behind fall leaf colors is a story of sugar and tiny molecules of pigment that capture and reflect light.
Go beyond your comfort zone when you plant your garden next year.
Earthworms are classified based on the soil environment in which they live.
September is the best month to sow seed, fertilize, kill weeds and aerate your lawn.
A little bit of drought stress in August is a good thing for trees.
The disease has caused more than $50 million in losses in the U.S.
Choosing the right plants for an area is important.
Hornworms eat four times their weight every day.
Stumps can provide valuable information and education.
Visiting the Munsinger and Clemens Gardens in St. Cloud, Minn., is an experience.
Sometimes we need to supplement the water that Mother Nature provides.
Your lawn needs about 1 inch of water per week.
Trees are amazing to observe because they go through the same cycle of growth, senescence and dormancy every year.
Bees are responsible for pollinating the majority of our vegetable, fruit and nut crops grown in the U.S.
Pruning tomatoes doesn’t take that much time and is pretty easy to do.
Zucchini is a versatile vegetable.
The NDSU Extension forester discusses the timing of trees’ bud break in the spring.
An NDSU horticulturist offers advice on raised garden beds.
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