Filter the results Item type Select All/None Page Collection Link Image Article Folder File New items since Yesterday Last week Last month Ever Search results Subscribe to an always-updated RSS feed. 927 items matching your search terms. Sort by relevance date (newest first) alphabetically Prairie Fare: Walking Adds Healthy Years to Your Life People who get regular, moderate activity, such as walking 30 minutes a day, may live 1.3 years longer than those with a very low level of physical activity. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Walking for Healthy Bones About 10 million people in the U.S. are estimated to have osteoporosis and 34 million have low bone mass. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Warm Yourself With Some Soup Soup is high in liquid, which means it usually is lower in calories than other foods. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Watch Out for Miracle Nutrition Promises Weight management or weight loss usually takes some effort on our part. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Watch Your Sodium Intake During American Heart Month Americans consume 75 percent of their sodium from processed foods, not from table salt. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Water Balance Important in Our Bodies and Environment Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Weather Influences TV Viewing and Potentially, Our Health Researchers in the United States and Europe have noted seasonal and weather variations in TV viewing. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Weeds: If You Can’t Beat Them, Can You Eat Them? Some weeds are edible and can provide vitamins and minerals. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Well-chosen Appliances Bring Rewards You can save energy, water and money when you choose appliances. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: What are the secrets to a long, healthy life? Adults 50 and over can take a survey to help NDSU Extension develop better programs and materials for adults. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Previous 10 items 1 ... 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 ... 93 Next 10 items