Filter the results Item type Select All/None Link Collection Image Page File Article Folder New items since Yesterday Last week Last month Ever Search results Subscribe to an always-updated RSS feed. 927 items matching your search terms. Sort by relevance date (newest first) alphabetically Prairie Fare: Slim Down Your Recipes Sometimes, simple changes can make major differences in a recipe’s calorie, fat and sodium content. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Bake Bread, Make Friends Try your hand at baking some bread, and you will be surrounded by happy people waiting for samples. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Save Energy in Your Kitchen I did a little background research on the energy use of small appliances compared with full-sized appliances. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Serve Convenience and Economy with Pasta ["In these challenging economic times, consumers are stretching their food dollars with pasta-based casseroles and soups more often.", "", "", ""] Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Salty Foods Aren’t a Necessity Unlike our inborn preference for sweetness, we aren’t born with a “salty tooth.” Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Have Some Comfort Food During Cold Snaps Comfort foods, those simple, familiar foods that conjure the image of “home,” are showing up on menus across the U.S. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Don’t Fumble as You Plan Super Bowl Snacks Researchers have noted that people may eat and drink much more when there are no visual clues about how much has been eaten. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Sweet Potatoes Provide a Bushel of Nutrition Curious about the differences between yams and sweet potatoes, I looked up some information. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Be Prepared to Survive Frigid Temperatures Nutritionally, we can survive without food for days, but staying hydrated is a concern. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Right-size Your Portions Does the size of the plate make a difference in how much food people eat? Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Previous 10 items 1 ... 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 ... 93 Next 10 items