Filter the results Item type Select All/None Link Article File Page Image Folder Collection New items since Yesterday Last week Last month Ever Search results Subscribe to an always-updated RSS feed. 930 items matching your search terms. Sort by relevance date (newest first) alphabetically Prairie Fare: Let’s Boost Our Immune Systems With a Healthful Diet As the cold and flu season approaches and the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we can take steps to strengthen our immune system. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Have You Avoided the ‘Pandemic 15’? ["Excess weight increases our risk for diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, joint issues and many other health concerns.", ""] Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Which Foods Need to Be Washed During a Pandemic or Any Time? Do not use soap on fruits and vegetables or disinfectants on food packaged in cardboard or plastic wrap. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Consider a Resolution to Recycle More Often Recycling is good for the environment, reduces the amount of waste going to landfills and saves money. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Should You Keep or Toss Foods Beyond the Package Date? Food product dates help guide us to the best quality but are not yet standardized. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Enjoy the Health Benefits of Music Some researchers have shown that music may have benefits for people with various health conditions. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Try These Questions Before Spring Kitchen Clean-up Clean and sanitize properly for a safer kitchen. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Practice mindful eating in March, National Nutrition Month Being mindful means we are aware of our hunger and our satiety cues. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: What is the Best Way to Clean Fresh Veggies? In general, experts recommend using plain, cold water from your tap for rinsing produce. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Do you know the safety rules for home food preservation? To ensure food safety when canning, use safe sources of recipes from university Extension throughout the U.S., from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the ... Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Previous 10 items 1 ... 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 ... 93 Next 10 items