Filter the results Item type Select All/None Page Folder Image Link Collection Article File New items since Yesterday Last week Last month Ever Search results Subscribe to an always-updated RSS feed. 925 items matching your search terms. Sort by relevance date (newest first) alphabetically Prairie Fare: Try this tool to evaluate online information The CRAAP test is a set of criteria to help people evaluate information found online. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Try these nutrition tips and a class for the New Year Try different recipes during the holidays. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Inspire your menus with ruby red cranberries Cranberries are a good source of vitamin C. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Take steps to prevent kitchen fires Regardless of how you cook food throughout the year, keep kitchen safety in mind. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare New topics added to Central Dakota Ag Day program The Central Dakota Ag Day program offers 18 concurrent seminars on agronomy, livestock production and agricultural life. Located in News Releases / 2023 / November Prairie Fare: Gift-giving season includes gift drawing for readers Complete a survey for a chance to win a 2024 recipe calendar. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Tempering a sweet tooth during holiday festivities Sweets often play a prominent role in holiday menus. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Are you “souped up” for winter? Soup can help optimize our nutrition and perhaps our health. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Wild game hunting stirs memories and provides food Hunting and fishing are long-standing traditions in many cultures throughout the U.S. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Prairie Fare: Is food in my cupboard, freezer or refrigerator safe to eat? Try to use food within a reasonable time so it remains at its best quality. Located in Columns / Prairie Fare Previous 10 items 1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 93 Next 10 items