North Dakota Forest Service


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Volunteer Fire Department Grant Opportunities

The Cooperative Fire Protection Assistance (CFPA) Grant program administered through the NDFS provides grants to Volunteer Fire Departments across the state.  These reimbursable grants are based on a 50/50 cost share. 

 Department Eligibility Requirements:

  • Have a signed Cooperative Fire Agreement on file with the NDFS.
  • Have a Certificate of Existence from the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
  • Be National Incident Management System (NIMS) compliant. 
  • Report all wildfires to the NDFS utilizing the Emergency Reporting online fire reporting tool.
  • Serve a population of less than 10,000.
  • Participants in the Fire Danger Sign Program must meet the Fire Danger Sign Program requirements.
  • In the application, include the Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) under the fire department's name at (not the DUNS # like in previous grant cycles)

Possible grant awards:

  • Project (firefighting gear and other personal protective equipment (PPE), tools, communication equipment, etc.) Awards are up to $10,000 for a project. A department may spend more than $20,000 but the maximum award amount will not exceed $10,000. Single item total purchase price cannot exceed $4,999.
  • Vehicle - Award up to $20,000 for a vehicle. A department may spend more than $40,000 but the maximum amount awarded will not exceed $20,000.

Application Instructions

2024 CFPA NON-Vehicle Grant Overview and Application
2024 CFPA Vehicle Grant Overview and Application


Mary Fisk - Office Manager
916 E. Interstate Ave #4 Bismarck, ND 58503
Tel:  (701) 328-9944 or (701) 328-9990


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