North Dakota Forest Service


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Tree City USA

Tree City USA is a certification program for communities, earned on an annual basis by meeting minimum qualifications for community forestry programs.  All towns and cities, regardless of population size, can qualify for Tree City USA status.  The program is administered by the Arbor Day Foundation and is sponsored by the North Dakota Forest Service.  It provides recognition for communities that have developed programs that plant and care for trees.

The four program standards for certification are:

  1. A tree committee or department
  2. A community tree ordinance
  3. A community forestry program with an annual budget of at least $2 per capita
  4. Having an Arbor Day observation and proclamation

53 communities are currently certified as Tree City USAs in North Dakota. Participating in Tree City USA represents a strong community commitment to management of your trees and other natural resources. The Tree City USA program helps residents learn what they can do to make their community a better place in which to live.

The Tree City USA Growth Award is awarded by the Arbor Day Foundation to recognize participating Tree City USA communities that have achieved higher levels of tree care.  Eligible communities may apply annually for a Growth Award by earning points for new or improved programs and projects across five eligible categories: Building the Team, Measuring Trees and Forests, Planning the Work, Performing the Work, and the Community Framework.

Apply for a Growth Award

Tree City USA Application Checklist


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