AES- Research Greenhouse Complex


User Resources

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Form Folder RealAudio document NDSU Greenhouse Space Request Form
Form Folder RealAudio document USDA NCSL Greenhouse Space Contact Form
Form Folder RealAudio document Growth Chamber Request Form
If a reserved chamber is vacant for more than 2 weeks, the DARC greenhouse staff can cancel the reservation and make the chamber available to other groups. The researcher will be informed before any reservation is cancelled. If a researcher needs a specific chamber but it is not available, the DARC greenhouse staff may assign another chamber with similar features.
Greenhouse Training
Greenhouse training is available on Vector Solutions. Please email the greenhouse manager once training is complete. The greenhouse manager will then activate your access card.
Creative Commons License
Feel free to use and share this content, but please do so under the conditions of our Creative Commons license and our Rules for Use. Thanks.