Agribusiness and Applied Economics


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Dr. David Roberts has papers accepted for publication

david roberts 2014

Dr. David Roberts, Assistant Professor in Agribusiness & Applied Economics, has been notified of the acceptance of four papers for publication. The first author on each paper is Jaesung Choi, alumnus of Agribusiness & Applied Economics and current doctoral student in Logistics & Transportation at NDSU’s UGPTI. Their co-author is Eunsu Lee, an Associate Research Fellow at UGPTI.

J. Choi, E. Lee, and D.C. Roberts. “Reshaping Tribal Road Network Using Public Information” to be published in Journal of Geographic Information System.

J. Choi, D.C. Roberts, and E. Lee. “Forecasting Oil Production in North Dakota Using the Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (S-ARIMA)” to be published in Journal of Natural Resources.

J. Choi, D.C. Roberts, and E. Lee. “Forecast of CO2 Emissions from the U.S. Transportation Sector: Estimation from a Double Exponential Smoothing Model” to be published in Journal of the Transportation Research Forum.

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