Variety Trial Results


Field Pea

This page provides access to Field Pea Variety Trial Results from all NDSU Research Extension Centers.
Variety Trial Results are best viewed in Adobe Reader. Adobe Reader is free software that lets you view and print Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files. To access PDF files you need Adobe Reader installed. If you do not have Adobe Reader on your computer, you can download it below.

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Here are the latest Field Pea Variety Trial Results from around North Dakota

File C source code 2024 Variety Trial Results - Field Pea - Minot - NCREC
File 2024 Trial Results - Field Pea - Carrington
File C source code 2023 Variety Trial Results - Field Pea - Minot - NCREC
File D source code 2023 Trial Results-Pea-Recrop-Dickinson, ND
File 2023 Trial Results - Field Pea - Langdon

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