Small Grains


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Histology Lab

Histology work for the group is done in Hultz Hall, labs 119 and 119b. This is a full service Histology lab and includes areas for fixing, cassetting, automated tissue processing, embedding, and sectioning of paraffin embedded samples. There are also several areas available for colorimetric and fluorescent staining, including hydration and dehydration stations. 

Cassetting Station       Staining Station          


Equipment located in the Histology Lab:

Leica ASP 300 Automated Processor


Leica EG1160 Embedding Center with heated forceps


Leica RM2255 Automated Rotary Microtome

Histo Lab 1

EMS Retriever 2100 Antigen Unmasking System

Ag Retrieval System

DAKO Universal Staining System

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