

71 items matching your search terms. Sort by relevance · date (newest first) · alphabetically
Publication Octet Stream Managing Saline Soils in North Dakota
Saline soils contain salts in great enough abundance that crop yields suffer and sometimes makes successful crop production impossible. This publication talks about testing your soil, salinity management, mapping, crop selection and tile drainage.
Located in Crops
Publication North Dakota Hard Winter Wheat Variety Trial Results for 2019 and Selection Guide
Results of winter wheat trials conducted throughout the state are included in this publication. The result tables provide data that can be used to select winter wheat varieties that performed well in 2019.
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Publication Buckwheat Production
This publication talks about growing buckwheat in North Dakota, from the adaption, rotation, variety selection and seeding to fertilizing, harvesting and marketing the crop. It also includes information on pests, weed control, and the average yield from different locations across the state.
Located in Crops
Publication OTH template Banded Sunflower Moth
This publication summarizes the life cycle, crop damage, and distribution of the banded sunflower moth. It explains monitoring and estimating damage potential, pheromone traps, chemical control and application timing, cultural control, biological control and host plant resistance.
Located in Crops
Publication Octet Stream Basics of Corn Production in North Dakota
The basics of corn production in North Dakota provides information about corn production in the state. It addresses topics from abiotic stresses, soil fertility management, weed and insect control, diseases, as well as harvesting and storing corn.
Located in Crops
Publication Safflower Production
This publication provides background information on how to grow safflower in ND, from land selection, fertilizer management, variety selection, seeding, weed management to harvesting and marketing the crop. Safflower is an annual oilseed crop adapted primarily to the central grain areas of the western Great Plains.
Located in Crops
Publication Octet Stream Swathing and Harvesting Canola
The timing of swathing canola is important for quality and yield. This publication provides information about the proper stage to swath canola and the effect of swathing time on yield, green seed and percent oil. A description is provided about how to set the swather and combine to optimize the yield and quality of canola.
Located in Crops
Publication chemical/x-pdb Stages of Sunflower Development
This publication provides an overview of the main growth stages of sunflower with pictures for clarification.
Located in Crops
Publication Octet Stream Pulse Crop Production Field Guide for North Dakota
The Pulse Crop Production Field Guide provides producers with data on field pea, chickpea and lentil production information throughout North Dakota. It addresses issues including variety fertilizing, disease, insect and weed control, harvesting and storing of pulses.
Located in Crops
Publication Octet Stream Black and Navy Bean Response to Row Spacing and Plant Population in Eastern North Dakota
NDSU research trials evaluate potential yield increase of black and navy bean with higher plant populations and narrower rows compared to the traditionally recommended plant density in wide rows.
Located in Crops
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